

제 7차 월간 Special STEAM Seminar 안내

  • 관리자 (fasteam)
  • 2021-10-13 09:17:00
  • hit1895
  • vote1


[세미나 영상 링크 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5pIIYoGWrg ]


The 7th Special STEAM Seminar

지난 6월 24일에 제 7회 Special STEAM Seminar가 성황리에 진행되었습니다!

본 행사에는 전 세계에서 참여 신청을 한 80여명의 청중들이 참여하였으며, 3분의 연사를 모시고 다양한 주제로 이야기를 나누었습니다.

- Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi

STEAM Director, Experience Workshop, Finland

Prof. Chris Brownell

Professor of Mathematics & STEM Education, Fresno Pacific University, United States


-Leonard Sommer & Patrick Newell

* Ideas to Foster Creativity in 21st Century Education - Creative Professionals Inspire Change

* Presentation of the book-project „CLASSROOM THINKTANK - How To Foster Creativity In 21st Century Education


-Rinus Roelofs

* Constuctions with folding angles of 90 degrees only - A limitation or a challenge?

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